Help keep our kids fed, warm and learning

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Demand for charity and help growing every year

Demand for charity and help growing every year

“I don’t want to deny any kid. Being the person on the front line who has to say no to their faces is heartbreaking.” Tammy Mojtahedpour has been the child...


A little help can make a huge difference

A little help can make a huge difference

So many students live with hunger, financial insecurity or unstable housing conditions COURTENAY — Poor attendance is the most main reason many impoverished students fail to graduate, says Karma Taiji,...


Children’s needs come from all classes of families

Children’s needs come from all classes of families

For parents with little food money, a trip to the supermarket is mostly window-shopping — the aisles and fridges packed with food they would like to buy but can’t afford....


Getting schoolkids access to lunch in a dignified way

Getting schoolkids access to lunch in a dignified way

At Nootka Elementary, a Vancouver school of almost 400 students, a number of whom come from outside its catchment area, roughly a quarter need help with food. Nootka Elementary is...


Vancouver’s Eric Hamber secondary school needs help to restart breakfast program

Vancouver’s Eric Hamber secondary school needs help to restart breakfast program

Teacher says student coming to school without breakfast lethargic, lacked motivation to learn For two years, Matthew Vatta ran a-breakfast-on-a-shoestring program for his students at Vancouver’s Eric Hamber secondary. The...


‘Food, warmth, love’ is the mantra at Yale Secondary

‘Food, warmth, love’ is the mantra at Yale Secondary

“The way the economy’s gone, you’ll have a family of five and a mother and they don’t have anything. They don’t have coats, proper shoes, food … nothing.” Cameron Smith’s...


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Schools in Need

See all 181 schools in need.

2024 Adopt-a-School

2024 Adopt-a-School

Join the Vancouver Sun Children’s Fund in supporting children and families in need throughout British Columbia. Our Adopt-a-School campaign has been providing vital support to those in need for more...

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Literacy Program at Queen Alexandra Elementary

Literacy Program at Queen Alexandra Elementary

David MacKinlay’s relationship with Queen Alexandra Elementary began through his commitment to the school’s “Fill the Gaps” program, for which he delivered bi-weekly dinner packs containing meals for 30 families....

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