Canyon-Lister Elementary is the only UNESCO school in BC. This means it has made a formal commitment to taking action to make the world a better place for all, and its actions are aligned with the UN Sustainability Goals. The school needs help with: Goal #2- Zero Hunger, Goal#10-Reduced Inequalities, and Goal#3- Good Health and Well-Being.
We have families who cannot afford to feed their children breakfast or lunch, and we try to provide for them so that they can learn. They also often lack appropriate winter clothing, or running shoes, and we collect used clothes for this but often fall short of need. These families also cannot afford to participate in community recreation programs such as sport, the arts, etc., and miss out on perspective broadening opportunities because of it. Our project would tie together all of these needs, so that we can feed and clothe as needed, as well as provide an after school recreation program for students that is free and also provides transportation, often a barrier to access.
CRESTON — The winters here are harsh, so imagine how distraught Laury Carriere and her colleagues at Canyon-Lister Elementary are upon seeing children arrive at school — in temperatures way...