Are there children in your school in need? Are the students in need of food, clothing and/or learning tools?
If the answer is yes, then The Vancouver Sun Children’s Fund Adopt-A-School program wants to hear from you. Our registered charity and its programs are designed to provide funds and other basic necessities for children in need, and we accept applications from schools and school boards throughout British Columbia.
Grants are awarded only to organizations that are recognized as “qualified donees” under the Canadian Income Tax Act (more information available here) and are restricted to projects benefiting children in the province of British Columbia.
Please note there are separate applications forms for:
Click Grant Report – to complete an interim or final report for your current grant
Click Grant Change Request – for an online form to request changes to your current grant’s project scope or duration (incorporates a report on funds used to date)
If there are questions about a specific project that your school is requesting funds for or if you need help completing the application, please contact us by email at or call 604-813-8673.