Make a difference. Help children in your community!
Donate NowYou can make an immediate difference by donating online or calling our office at 604-813-8673. We’re grateful for your continued support in these challenging times. Thank you for your generosity!
Donations can be made by online, by mail or by phone. Tax receipts for online donations will be automatically issued, while tax receipts for all other donations will be sent by mail. We also accept securities (see below).
To donate online, click on the highlighted link.
Download the donation form, if you wish to donate by mail. We accept Visa, MasterCard as well as cheques or money orders made payable to The Vancouver Sun Children’s Fund Society. The form along with payment details can be mailed to:
The Vancouver Sun Children’s Fund Society
1100 – 1200 West 73rd Avenue
Vancouver, B.C. V6P 6G5
To donate by telephone using a credit card or debit card, the number to call is 604-813-8673. If the call goes to voicemail, please leave your name and the number you can be reached at and our administrator, Michelle Roebuck, will call you back.
None of the help these children and families desperately need would be available without the generosity of our readers.
Harold Munro – Chair of The Vancouver Sun Children’s Fund and
Editor-in-Chief, Vancouver Sun
We do accept stocks as donations. These are processed on behalf of The Vancouver Children’s Fund Society by the Vancouver Foundation. More information is available at Vancouver Foundation’s website or you can complete their online Gift of Securities form here.
Alternatively, you can download this fillable PDF form “Gift of Securities Form”. Instructions are on the first page of the form and The Vancouver Sun Children’s Fund Society details are already filled in. Your broker or financial advisor needs to complete the form and you need to sign it before sending it to
Please let us know about your donation by emailing us so that we can make sure that it arrives safely.
NOTE: To ensure your securities donation receives a 2024 tax receipt, the Vancouver Foundation’s deadline is Tuesday, December 17th, 2024.
What percentage of donations goes to administrative costs?
Zero. Every penny raised through The Vancouver Sun Children’s Fund goes directly to programs supporting children.
Where does my donation money go?
You can designate a specific school that you’d like to help or you can donate to the general fund. Money that goes to the general fund is then allocated by the board of directors to schools whose applications meet all of the required criteria.
Can I donate food, clothing or other items that might be needed?
No. We don’t have the resources to be able to collect and distribute food, coats or other items. We urge anyone wishing to donate these items to contact your local school or other charities specifically set up to do this.
Can I leave a legacy gift that will help children in need?
You can make a bequest in your will, directing a gift to The Vancouver Sun Children’s Fund and even specifying particular areas or projects where the gift can be used. Contact our fund administrator Michelle Roebuck for more information on including The Vancouver Sun Children’s Fund and Adopt a School in your estate planning. She can be reached at or by phone at 604-813-8673. Please note that Michelle works part-time but regularly checks voicemail and will return messages as quickly as possible.
Why do you issue tax receipts?
When you make a donation to a federally registered charity like The Vancouver Sun Children’s Fund Society, you are eligible for a deduction on your next income tax return. We are able to do this because The Vancouver Sun Children’s Fund Society is fully compliant with the requirements of the Canada Revenue Agency. (Full details can be found here.)