Saint James Music Academy: Daily Nutrition Program

Saint James Music Academy: Daily Nutrition Program



Low income families with minimal food budgets must often choose only the cheapest foods (or what are perceived as the cheapest), or otherwise opt for processed or fast foods high in sugar, fat and salt which contribute to many health issues. At SJMA our Nutrition program goal is to feed every child every day with a healthy and nutritious meal , and to also teach better understanding of nutrition and nutritional habits.

The program is now well-established. Food stuffs come to us by way of supportive local area businesses and direct food purchasing using budgeted funds. Children arrive daily at 3:15 pm, but the Nutrition begin hours before their arrival preparing all food from raw ingredients. We currently serve approximately 400 meals each week to the kids at the Academy. The Nutrition Program also provides free community dinners for families of enrolled children twice annually, as well as food at all recital evenings and special events.

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