Old Yale Elementary is a designated inner city school in Surrey. With an enrolment of 414 students in grades K-7, 18% of our families are defined as low income, 30% are single parent, and 52% have moved into or out of the neighborhood in the last five years. 49% of our students are learning English as a Second Language and 8% are Special Needs.
Several students at Old Yale Road Elementary utilize the breakfast and lunch program to receive a morning and mid day meal during school, however they have little or no food to go home to on the weekends. Many families have difficulty accessing the food bank or they find it does not provide a sufficient amount of food for their family. We would like to be able to provide emergency non-perishable food items to those most in need to get them through the weekend and school breaks. This ensures our students are provided with nourishing food while away from school.
We will work with Relate Church who utilizes the grant funds to purchase a supply of weekly non-perishable food items to send home with identified families that require this support. They will package the food hampers and deliver them to the school for families to pick up every Friday.