2020 Surrey Schools: SSD Community Schools Emergency Fund

2020 Surrey Schools: SSD Community Schools Emergency Fund



Surrey Community Schools Emergency Fund  $1,000

There are 36 designated high needs inner city schools in Surrey. At these schools, 20-40% of our families are defined as low income, 20-35% are single parent, and 40-50% have moved into or out of the neighbourhood in the last five years. The Community Schools Partnership (CSP) initiative was established by Surrey Schools in 2007 to provide targeted programming, support, and resources to children, youth, and their families who face barriers to accessing programs and supports before, during and after school.

Several students that receive support from CSP face daily and complex challenges – lack of food, no transportation, living alone and with no consistent home base, inability to cover extra costs like school supplies, extra-curricular activities, school social events and the like. Community Schools facilitators and coordinators will use the Emergency Fund to cover emergency costs for food, clothes, transportation, school supplies and extracurricular costs when there is no other way to provide these items to students. Providing these basics will ensure that students stay connected to school, and focused on learning and graduating.

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