Holly Elementary, Lena Shaw Elementary and Georges Vanier Elementary
The Surrey School District is the largest of the 60 school districts in BC with 126 schools and over 73,000 students. 36 of our schools are designated inner city where low average incomes, high ESL and single parent family rates and low standardized test scores challenge staff daily to address both the basic needs of students and their educational development. Holly, Lena Shaw and Georges Vanier are all designated inner city schools. There are over 1500 students between the three schools. At each school, on average 30% are defined as low income by Statistics Canada; over 45% speak English as a Second Language; over 50% have moved in or out of the neighbourhood in the last 5 years; over 30% are deemed vulnerable when they arrive in Kindergarten according to research conducted by the Human Early Learning Partnership at UBC.
The goal of Clubhouse 36 is to provide consistent, connected, professionally operated programming that focuses on the development of social, emotional, life, sport, art, peer mediation, leadership and academic skills during out of school time for at-risk and vulnerable Surrey students aged 6-12. Students will be identified to participate by school staff and will be those who are low income, facing multiple, complex challenges, otherwise unable to take part in structured extra-curricular programming, refugees and immigrants and aboriginal students.
The program provides an encouraging and nurturing environment for kids to build confidence and self-esteem through social and emotional support as well as giving them the opportunity to discover new passions and abilities. Clubhouse 36 will directly benefit 150 of our most vulnerable/at-risk elementary aged students, identified by school staff, across three inner city schools.
The Clubhouse 36 program will provide after-school programming 2 days a week at each of the 3 school sites from 2:30-5pm. The structure of each day will include 15 minutes for a welcome and snack, 1 hour for homework/tutoring/literacy games, 1 hour for a skill building session delivered by expert partners in the community (Mad Science, Pacific Titans Cooking, YMCA, Healing Movements Yoga, Pacific Coast Soccer) and will then conclude with leadership or peer mediation activities.
Through collaborative partnerships with more than 15 organizations and businesses, Clubhouse 36 is a program that provides wrap around support to the students and families that need it most. As a result of participating in Clubhouse 36, we aim to: increase confidence and self-esteem among vulnerable students, build leadership and peer mediation skills, nurture connection to school and learning, and provide students with skills that can be transferred into academic success.
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